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Lilies, Canna
I like lilies. They seem easy to grow, which is good for someone like me. Most of mine came from
Lowes' or Sam's annual half-price bulb sales. I love a
good plant bargain.
Canna x generalis 'Bangkok' -
Deep red buds open to bright yellow flowers each with a white stripe to the
petal giving the effect of a cross to the flower. Foliage is striated white
on green. Excellent in-ground or as a water canna. Various AKA's are Yellow
Bangkok, Striped Beauty, Minerva, Christ's Light and Nirvana.
This wonderful variegated canna grows three feet tall and is a vigorous
multiplier. It is one of the oldest, most reliable of the variegated cannas.
This is one of the most dependable varieties for water gardening. This canna begins blooming in
in pot)
'Crimson Beauty'
Canna x generalis 'Crimson Beauty' -
Crimson blooms on green foliage with faint yellow streak emanating from the
throat. Prolific bloomer. William Pfitzer of Stuttgart, Germany began
hybridizing cannas in the late 1800's. This group was dwarf, vigorous and
grew in a wide range of conditions. These cannas reached the US in the early
1950's and began to replace and supplement the tall growing varieties in
many of today's landscape needs. These cannas begin blooming in April.
(Planted behind pond
& hot tub)
2' H x 1.5' W / Crimson red / Dark green foliage / Full sun
'Futurity Rose'
Canna x generalis 'Futurity Rose' -
Burgundy foliage topped with large coral and rose blooms. This canna begins blooming in
(Planted behind pond
& hot tub)
'Jivago Orange'
Canna x generalis 'Jivago Orange' -
Blue-green foliage topped with yellow-throated, pale orange blooms. This canna begins blooming in
behind outdoor kitchen)
Canna x generalis 'Perkeo' - medium
White=striped green foliage topped with magenta pink blooms. This canna begins blooming in
behind outdoor kitchen)
Canna x generalis 'Picasso' - medium
in pot)
'Pink Beauty' or is it 'Orchid'?
Canna x generalis 'Pink Beauty' or
is it 'Orchid'? - medium
Very large bright pink flowers with faint orange/yellow centers and
a thin white edge. Broad pale green leaves. Begins blooming in June.
behind pond)
Canna x generalis 'President' - medium
Very large bright scarlet red flowers with faint yellow in the red areas and
a thin yellow edge. Broad pale green leaves. This canna begins blooming in
(Planted behind hot tub)
'Primrose Yellow'
Canna x generalis 'Primrose Yellow' -
Blue-green foliage topped with soft yellow blooms. This canna begins blooming in
behind hot tub & outdoor kitchen)
'Tropicanna or Phasion or Durban'
Canna x generalis 'Tropicanna or
Phassion or Durban' (patent #10569 by Anthony Tesselaar)
- tall Orange flowers and brilliantly colored purple, white and green
(Planted in pot)
5’ H x 2’ W / Yellow w/ red-orange spotting / Dark green foliage /
Full sun |
'Yellow King Humbert'
Canna x generalis 'Yellow King Humbert'
- tall Large yellow flowers with red-orange spots and green foliage. This
canna begins blooming in April.
(Planted behind pond)
5’ H x 2’ W / Yellow w/ red-orange spotting / Dark green foliage /
Full sun |