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My wife doesn't particularly like any plants with thorns, so I have only five of different rose varieties. Four of the roses are in the backyard and it is becoming more of a shade garden as the plants and trees mature so it's difficult to plant additional roses. Of course I think it would be just fine to train more climbers all along my six foot cedar fence. Unfortunately, my vote never seems to carry enough weight in the 50/50 (<-- yeah right) partnership called marriage.

Don Juan

Rosa 'Don Juan'

Best of the fragrant red climbers. Large buds and shapely blossoms. Glossy dark green leaves. Blooms (large on single stem) on new and old wood in Spring, Summer and Fall. Maladrone crossed a New Dawn seedling with a  New Yorker in 1958 to hybridize this variety.

I am training this rose to grow up one of my pine tree's trunks.

8’-10’ H / Dark red / Ovoid buds / 5" blooms / 35-40 petals Dark green foliage / Strong, citrus fragrance / Full sun

Red Ribbons

Rosa KORtemma (patent 9115) by Jackson & Perkins.

These plentiful clusters of dark red buds open into shimmering, crimson flowers with a rich, crushed-velvet look. I have trained them to grow up the white picket fence that divides my 2/3 of the backyard from the other third of the yard that encloses my pet velociraptor, err, Maggie. Just like the velociraptors in the original Jurassic Park movie, Maggie is always testing the integrity of her perimeter fencing. The thorns of the Red Ribbons' canes tend to keep her from ripping the pickets off the fence in this area. This plant is very hardy and flowers profusely beginning in April. It is meant as groundcover but can be easily trained to a fence or trellis.

2’ H x 5’ W / Deep red / Pointed, ovoid buds / 2"-3" blooms / 20-25 petals / Dark green foliage / Light, sweet fragrance


Rosa ?